Week 20: Explanations

Hello readers of this blog! This week, I have learned how GPS work. Basically, from my sketchy understanding they work by sending out a radio signal (a super fast radio signal) which is picked up by three different satellites.  These satellites triangulate your position, and use the concept of special relativity to adjust the result ensuring your location is accurate. If it did not adjust for special relativity, then the GPS reading would basically be 7 miles off everyday. Which to my limited understanding means you would get very very lost, very very quickly.  Which for me, would be a very bad thing. I manage to get lost even with a pretty accurate GPS, I’d hate to see what would happen if it weren’t accurate. Anyway, to get back on topic, I need assistance from you.  I would like to know why, rain appears to fall/ hit your windshield harder the more you accelerate? Oh, and the converse is also true.  I have noticed this phenomena many times before, but not being physically inclined, I am unable to answer.  The first person who provides me with an easy to understand explanation (accounting for my lack of physics skills) will win a prize.

n.b. Prize yet to be determined.

3 thoughts on “Week 20: Explanations

  1. It hits harder because you’re driving faster. Thus the relative velocity impact of rain on windscreen increases incrementally as your land speed increases. The rain is falling at the same rate, you are just smashing into it harder. Another way of thinking of it is to imagine the rain is a truck coming towards you. If the truck is travelling at a constant speed, the difference between hitting it head-on at 40km/h vs 110km/h is fairly significant. So with raindrops. Just less lethal. The moral of my story is, don’t tailgate in the wet.

  2. ZOMG!! You mean that all this time I have been slaughtering innocent rain drops???? P.s. please provide current postal address to my phone so I can send you a prize. Oh and FYI I never tailgate 😉

    • In my travel experience, you are unique amongst your fellow statespeople. I have observed your home town to be the tailgating capital of the world.

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